In 2006, I graduated with honors in studies called “Media Systems” (see currently available comparable studies here) at the Bauhaus University in Weimar in June 2006. Therefore, I was allowed to call myself a “Diplom-Mediensystemwissenschaftler”.

From July 2006, I was working as a PhD student in the Computer Graphics Group of Prof. Marc Alexa at the Technische Universität Berlin. In May 2012, I defended my PhD thesis titled “Real-time depth imaging”. The dissertation received an overall assessment of “magna cum laude” and allows me to call myself “Doktor der Ingenieurwissenschaften” (Dr.-Ing.).

In July 2012, I moved to Freiburg and joined the SICK AG in Waldkirch. There, I joined the 3D Compact Systems team as software development engineer. In 2017 I became head of the Software Design group.

Since September 2021, I am professor for Computer Vision in media applications at Furtwangen University.

The processing, representation and perception of three-dimensional data has always fascinated me. This fascination with 3D has driven my research to date. As a PhD student at the Technische Universität Berlin, I worked at the intersection of computer vision, computer graphics and human-computer interaction, publishing in all areas and writing my dissertation on real-time depth imaging.

As a software group leader in the product development of 3D cameras and sensors, I supported various research projects at SICK AG. I am now a professor for Computer Vision in Media Applications at the Hochschule Furtwangen and will focus my research on the future of digital 3D media.