
Good teaching is one of my key ambitions. My teaching concept describes and illustrates (in German) how I want to teach. My so called teaching portfolio describes what I mean with good teaching in more detail (but also only in German). In order to further improve my teaching I did many trainings and further do. I have earned a qualified certificate for university didactic during my time at TU Berlin.

In the following all my courses are listed as a reference. Please do not hesitate to ask about any course if you are interested.

Table of Contents

Outstanding results

In some of my courses as well as some thesis works, outstanding results have been developed.

2024Marit ZenkerReproducing a Specific Art Style Using Artificial Intelligence ToolsHFU (Furtwangen)Seminar work
2024Jochem PuntEntwicklung eines AR-Produktkonfigurators und die Analyse des KI NutzwertsHFU (Furtwangen) + CAS Software AG, KarlsruheBachelor thesis
2023Sabine SchleiseNeural Radiance Fields in the context of the Industrial MetaverseHFU (Furtwangen) + SICK AGMaster thesis

HFU (Furtwangen)

More details about my courses can be found in FELIX the central learning platform at the HFU as well as on my github page.

Current (Summer 2024)

3DCV - 3D Computer Vision
A Computer Vision master course with the focus on 3D reconstruction.

Entry project First project in the new Games and Immersive Media bachelor program about developing a first game in an agile manner with Unreal Engine Blueprints. My part was to teach an agile mindset and how to iteratively improve as a team.

Free3D - Free-viewpoint 3D video creation Master research project - see results in projects.

GDV - Grafische Datenverarbeitung
This course is an introduction to Computer Vision. From basic image formation and processing over image features to Deep Learning. GitHub organisation

GIS - Grundlagen Interaktiver Systeme (OMB2+MIB2)
This lecture is about web development basics (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, data bases). You can find the script here.

MuS Seminar - Mathematik und Simulation Seminar
A Java programming seminar that accompanies the math and simulation course in the 2nd semester. Some results can be found in the GitHub organisation.

Mathematische Grundlagen für Computergrafik und Gestaltung
Math lecture for the media conception bachelor program in the 2nd semester.

STEM1 - Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Math lecture and practical seminar in the first semester of the new Games and Immersive Media bachelor program. The lecture is share with the MKB program (see above) and in the seminar, we implement some math stuff with P5.js.

Past semesters

Winter 2023/24

Free3D - Free-viewpoint 3D video creation A propaedeutic course to prepare a student research project - see results in projects.

GDV - Grafische Datenverarbeitung
This course is an introduction to Computer Vision. From basic image formation and processing over image features to Deep Learning. GitHub organisation

GIS - Grundlagen Interaktiver Systeme (OMB2+MIB2)
This course is about web development basics (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, data bases).

MuS Seminar - Mathematik und Simulation Seminar
A Java programming seminar that accompanies the math and simulation course in the 2nd semester. Some results can be found in the GitHub organisation.

Mathematische Grundlagen für Computergrafik und Gestaltung
Math lecture for the media conception bachelor program in the 2nd semester.

Projection Mapping in the wild
Continuation of the student project about projection mapping which has been presented at the Reservoir festival in August 2023. Together with Regina Reusch and VIOSO.

Aktuelle Technologien im Bereich Digitaler Medien (Seminar) A seminar about recent technologies. Students have the oportunity to explore and evaluate a new technology like NeRF, 3D Gaussian Splatting, Stable Diffusion, and so on. Held together with Prof. Dr. Dirk Eisenbiegler.

Summer 2023

GIS - Grundlagen Interaktiver Systeme (OMB2)
This course is about web development basics (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, data bases). My first course that is taught based on eduScrum. Some results can be found in the GitHub organisation.

GDV - Grafische Datenverarbeitung
This course is an introduction to Computer Vision. From basic image formation and processing over image features to Deep Learning. HFU internal link to FELIX, GitHub organisation

MuS Seminar - Mathematik und Simulation Seminar
A Java programming seminar that accompanies the math and simulation course in the 2nd semester. Some results can be found in the GitHub organisation.

MuS Praktikum - Mathematik und Simulation Praktikum
Math exercises that accompany the math and simulation course in the 2nd semester.

ECG - Echtzeit-Computergrafik
This course is implemented in accordance with Scrum. In agile teams, both the theoretical basics of real-time computer graphics (rendering pipeline, shaders, GPU, 3D engines…) are worked out and software applications based on WebGL and WebXR are developed. The course is lead together with Clemens Sielaff (Unity). Some results can be found in the GitHub organisation.

3DCV - 3D Computer Vision
A Computer Vision master course with the focus on 3D reconstruction. HFU internal link to FELIX

Projection Mapping in the wild
A student project about projection mapping with the goal of realizing a huge projection onto the Linachtalsperre (a large dam). Together with Regina Reusch and VIOSO.

Aktuelle Technologien im Bereich Digitaler Medien (Seminar) A seminar about recent technologies. Students have the oportunity to explore and evaluate a new technology like NeRF, Code generation (e.g. Copilot), Stable Diffusion, and so on. Held together with Prof. Dr. Dirk Eisenbiegler.

Winter 2022/23

GDV - Grafische Datenverarbeitung
This course is an introduction to Computer Vision. From basic image formation and processing over image features to Deep Learning. HFU internal link to FELIX

ZdM - Zukunft digitaler Medien
This course is a seminar in combination with a series of guest lectures about the future of digital media. The participants can chose a recent research topic and deep dive into it with the goal to be able to estimate its potential impact on the future of digital media. All in the spirit of the famous Youtube channel “Two minute papers”. See the public FELIX page for details.

ECG - Echtzeit-Computergrafik
Not enough participants found.

MuS Seminar - Mathematik und Simulation Seminar
A Java programming seminar that accompanies the math and simulation course in the 2nd semester.

MINT Praktikum - Praktische Übungen zur Vorlesung Mathematik
A math tutorial course.

Summer 2022

GDV - Grafische Datenverarbeitung
This course is an introduction to Computer Vision. From basic image formation and processing over image features to Deep Learning. HFU internal link to FELIX

ECG - Echtzeit-Computergrafik
This course is implemented in accordance with Scrum. In agile teams, both the theoretical basics of real-time computer graphics (rendering pipeline, shaders, GPU, 3D engines…) are worked out and software applications based on WebGL and WebXR are developed. HFU internal link to FELIX

KomplDat - Komplexe Datenstrukturen
Introduction to graph theory and its applications. HFU internal link to FELIX

BildComp - Bildverarbeitung und Computergrafik
A Computer Vision course with the focus on 3D reconstruction. HFU internal link to FELIX

MuS Seminar - Mathematik und Simulation Seminar
A Java programming seminar that accompanies the math and simulation course in the 2nd semester.

MINT Praktikum - Praktische Übungen zur Vorlesung Mathematik
A math tutorial course.

VISMO Projekt
Continuation of the project from last term. Focus lies on the implementation with THREE.js.

Winter 2021/22

GDV - Grafische Datenverarbeitung
This course is an introduction to Computer Vision. From basic image formation and processing over image features to Deep Learning. HFU internal link to FELIX

ECG - Echtzeit-Computergrafik
This course is implemented in accordance with Scrum. In agile teams, both the theoretical basics of real-time computer graphics (rendering pipeline, shaders, GPU, 3D engines…) are worked out and software applications based on WebGL and WebXR are developed. HFU internal link to FELIX

MINT Praktikum
A math tutorial course.

VISMO Projekt
A student project about visualizing the mathematical foundations of structure from motion and other 3D reconstruction methods using a 3D rendering engine.

TU Berlin


In the following my first teaching experiences are listed. Note that the links might be dead by now. It was a long time ago, but great fun to explore the academic world as PhD student and teaching assistant.

Summer 2011

Methodic and practical basics in computer science (part 2), together with Clemens Eppner and Sebastian Höfer, I lead a group of student tutors for organizing and executing the tutorials for this first year (2nd semester) course. I filled in for Prof. Oliver Brock for some lectures on graph theory.

Processing Digital Camera Images
A seminar about processing camera images in a modern way. I again supported Mathias Eitz in organisation and leading the seminar. My part was to organize the basic talks of the students.

Winter 2010/11

Computer Graphics 1
A basic course along the rendering pipeline. I supported Ronald Richter with the exercises.

Summer 2010

No teaching due to parental leave.

Winter 2009/10

Processing Digital Camera Images
A seminar about processing camera images in a modern way. I supported Mathias Eitz in organisation and leading the seminar.

Summer 2009

Computational Photography
A project in conjunction with the University of Arts (UdK) Berlin

Methodic and practical basics in computer science (part 2), I again lead a group of several teaching assistants organizing and executing the tutorials for this first year (2nd semester) course.

Winter 2008/09

Depth Imaging
A project course about combining time-of-flight depth imaging with color imaging.

Summer 2008

Methodic and practical basics in computer science (part 2), I lead a group of several teaching assistants organizing and executing the tutorials for this first year (2nd semester) course.

Winter 2007/08

Multi-Touch Display
A student project that I was co-organizing with Marc Alexa.

Methodic and practical basics in computer science, I work in a group of several teaching assistants organizing and executing the tutorials for this first year course.

Summer 2007

Computer Graphics/Computer Vision
A basic course about CG and CV which is realized together with the Computer Vision and Remote Sensing group. I organized the exercises together with Ulas Yilmaz. During this course a panorama tool has been implemented by the students.

Winter 2006/07

Scanning real world objects without worries
A student project that I was co-organizing with Marc Alexa.

Thesis supervision

In the following all students that I supervised (not necessarily officially) during my career. If you are interested to let me supervise your thesis work, do not hesitate to contact me. Please also check open topics at the FELIX page.

Theses list

OngoingKaserer, Patricktbd(Synthetische Sensordaten aus Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF))HFU (Furtwangen) + SICK AG, WaldkirchMaster (Medieninformatik)
OngoingSasanala, Aravind Saltbd(Development of an Algorithm-Driven Feature Detection in 3D Polygon Meshes of Implants)HFU (Furtwangen) + stryker Leibinger GmbH & Co KG, FreiburgMaster (Smart Systems)
OngoingChemata, Rebeccatbd(Industrielle Produktion: Vision und Strategie mit Virtual Reality)HFU (Furtwangen) + SICK AG, ReuteBachelor
OngoingPönitzsch, Felixtbd(Automatisierte Softwareentwicklung mit Large Language Models mit Fokus auf die Bildverarbeitung)HFU (Furtwangen)Bachelor
OngoingNguyen, Baohantbd(Augmented Reality am Freiburger Münster)HFU (Furtwangen) + Münsterbauverein FreiburgBachelor
OngoingWidmann, Dominiktbd(Workflow optimisation and revenue generation: Implementierung und Evaluierung von NeRF als immersive Technologie im digitalen Vertrieb)HFU (Furtwangen) + DROMNI GmbH, MünchenBachelor
2024Punt, JochemEntwicklung eines AR-Produktkonfigurators und die Analyse des KI NutzwertsHFU (Furtwangen) + CAS Software AG, KarlsruheBachelor
2024Fischer, MarvinAutomatically switching between portrait and landscape formatsHFU (Furtwangen)Bachelor
2024Rubner, NicDesign eines Software-Frameworks zur Integration von Azure Kinect-Daten in AR-ApplikationenHFU (Furtwangen)Bachelor
2024Junghans, VincentRemove the Dog:Textbasierte BildbearbeitungHFU (Furtwangen)Bachelor
2023Paredes Gonzalez, Moreli AndreaComparison of 3D Capture Techniques, with Application in the Design of a WebAR Catalog of the Gargoyles of the Freiburg CathedralHFU (Furtwangen) + Münsterbauverein FreiburgMaster (Digitale Medien)
2023Velu, BalajiImprovements in precision alignment of 3D digital counterparts in Mixed RealityHFU (Furtwangen) + BMW group, MünchenMaster (Smart Systems)
2023Schleise, SabineNeural Radiance Fields in the context of the Industrial MetaverseHFU (Furtwangen) + SICK AG, WaldkirchMaster (Medieninformatik)
2023Reiche, YannickErarbeitung eines On-Set Virtual Production Setups mit Projektoren für Low-Budget FilmproduktionenHFU (Furtwangen)Bachelor
2023Reiprich, AlexanderComputer Vision als Werkzeug zur Steuerung von Videospielen - Analyse und Entwicklung eines Programms basierend auf Reinforcement LearningHFU (Furtwangen)Bachelor
2023Kowatsch, Fabiantbd (Implementierung eines 3D Viewers für Neural Radiance Fields in FUSEE)HFU (Furtwangen)Bachelor
2023Brausch, LukasKinectAR: Implementierung einer Live-Datenübertragung einer Kinect Azure-Punktwolke auf ein AR-fähiges MobilgerätHFU (Furtwangen)Bachelor
2023Pfeiffer, SebastianCreation and evaluation of a computer game using a teachable AIHFU (Furtwangen)Bachelor
2023Münchinger, MaximilianDie Zukunft des Fotografierens: Wie verändert künstliche Intelligenz die Fotografie?HFU (Furtwangen)Bachelor
2022Kusch, OliverEntwicklung einer Augmented Reality App zur Visualisierung historischer Gebäude der Stadt VillingenHFU (Furtwangen)Master
2022Küllmer, ElisabethEntwicklung und Evaluation einer Deep Learning Beispielapplikation auf programmierbaren 3D-KamerasHFU (Furtwangen)Bachelor
2019Fischer, GeorgDetection and Mitigation of Multipath Interference in 3D-Time-of-Flight CamerasSICK AG + KIT (Karlsruhe)Master
2019Roth, ChristophRessourceneffiziente Personendetektion auf Basis von 3D Kameradaten für den Einsatz auf eingebetteten SystemenSICK AG + KIT (Karlsruhe)Master
2012Miethe, ManuelIntegrating a Depth Sensor into an Interactive TabletopTU BerlinDiploma
2010Dippl, StefanMarkerless Identification of Interactive Devices on Multi Touch SurfacesTU BerlinDiploma
2010Claudia StripfA Multi-Touch User Interface for Spatial Audio ScenesTU BerlinTerm paper
2010Chmiela, StefanIdentifying Untagged Mobile Devices on Tabletops by Matching Camera and Acceleration Sensor DataTU BerlinDiploma
2010Mircea Gigea, RaulAugmentation of Real-Time Registered Surfaces using a Projector-3D Camera SystemTU BerlinDiploma
2010Müllenhaupt, MartinEvaluating time-of-flight sensors using an industrial robotTU BerlinDiploma
2009Breitmeyer, BjörnObject recognition in a multitouch environment by combining Diffuse Illumination and Frustrated Total Internal ReflectionTU BerlinDiploma
2009Holzammer, AndreasCombining Diffuse Illumination and Frustrated Total Internal Reflection for touch detectionTU BerlinDiploma
2009Elstner, StefanCombining Pen and Multi-Touch Displays for Focus+Context InteractionTU BerlinDiploma
2007Mischler, Antoine3D Reconstruction from Depth and Stereo Images for Augmented Reality ApplicationsTU BerlinDiploma


I have gathered a bunch of ressources to learn more about machine and deep learning which are listed on this separate page that I update from time to time.